Weekend talk:
Read the book on youtube "Never Take a Shark to the Dentist" (the link is below), and talk about other things NEVER to do! We had a so much fun making them up in class over the past few days. We are working on inferences, and they have blown me away with their incredible inferring skills! Keep up the great work detectives!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaVboJoN-s8 - Never Take a Shark to the Dentist
Don't forget to read your B.E.A.R book and don't forget your SCIENCE PROJECTS are due on MONDAY!!!!
Have a nice weekend! See you on Monday!
Mrs. Murray
Don't forget your Science projects are due this Monday, February 25th!
HAPPY 100th DAY GRADE 2's!!!!!!!!!!
We have had a very exciting day today - filled with lots of 100 activities and even some cake to celebrate! The students feel very proud that they have been working hard for 100 days! It is great to see this excitement on their faces! Thank you everyone for completing your 100th day homework! You all did a fantastic job!
Dinner Talk: Today we made a pizza cutter. Explain at dinner what type of simple machine a pizza cutter is!
So proud of you all!! :)
Mrs. Murray